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Breakthroughs of the Year: 2023

Two-dimensional ferroelectricity in a single-element bismuth monolayer
March 26, 2024 Breakthroughs of the Year: 2023

Ferroelectrics are famous for their versatile applications in memories, solar cells etc., despite their limited variety. Dr Gou Jian from NUS and international collaborators led by Prof Andrew WEE recently discovered a new single-element material, known as two-dimensional (2D) black phosphorus-like bismuth, that demonstrates ferroelectric properties. This new material changes the conventional understanding of ferroelectric materials, which are commonly made up of compounds – more than one element – with opposing charges to allow the formation of an electric field. This finding solves the fundamental question of whether single-element substances have ferroelectric properties. These findings were published in Nature (April 2023).

Guo Jian with the ncAFM/LTSTM system.